Our national and international experience over the last 20 years allows us to tailor services to meet your needs and budgets.

Coutts J&R offers a wide range of services from providing expert advice and support in developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks and plans, to data management and supporting services, to undertaking independent evaluations and reviews.

Monitoring, Evaluation & Reviews

M&E planning & frameworks

We work with project/program management and teams to develop log frames and evaluation plans to ensure that the needed evaluation information will be captured, analysed and used for decision-making and reporting. This can include training workshops for the team.

A key emerging area has been in the design of strategic and practical monitoring, evaluation and reporting frameworks and guides for funding and RDE organisations. The purpose is to better guide the M&E and reporting requirements from funded projects and programs to assist organisations to collate M&E data and report against strategic industry and organisational objectives. The key is consistency in the data for this purpose. Coutts J&R have been in the forefront of working with organisations at a state and national level to achieve this.

Program & project evaluations

Coutts J&R have extensive experience in undertaking project or program evaluations.  These include impact evaluations as well as mid-term or process evaluations using the full suite of evaluation tools appropriate to the needs of the evaluation and the client. These can be adapted to suite the budget.

We also design and/or undertake specific evaluation tasks as needed within an overall M&E framework including: surveys (phone, e-mail, mail, web, face-to-face); focus groups; interviews; desktop analysis; cost-benefit analysis; participant observation, workshops and others.

M&E management & support

Coutts J&R can take on the responsibility for coordinating or undertaking some or all of the monitoring and evaluation activities for projects and programs, including collation, analysis and reporting of M&E data.

Independent reviews

Dr Jeff Coutts has extensive experience in RD&E and educational approaches across industries and issues and has undertaken a number of independent reviews of national programs (e.g. National Centre for Dairy Education Australia; ReefPlan Education and Extension; Consorcio Lechero, Chile).

Benefit Cost Analysis

Coutts J&R can provide Benefit Cost and Social Impact analysis as part of larger impact evaluations or as a one-off project. We recognise that there is an ever increasing need for organisations / programs / projects to be able to prove impact, validate funding and have the information to make the most effective decisions. While tailored to individual client needs / complexities / budgets, our approach is to work with identified impact pathways to explore these in depth across the project / program / organisation. Our M&E grounding means we are able to provide extra focus and benefit for our clients.

Data Management & Reporting

Planning & managing data collation

We can help you design your data collation process to ensure you are collecting the most relevant data to report against your KPIs and objectives. This can be qualitative and quantitative as well as images and documents.

YourDATA management & support

Coutts J&R has a unique web–based M&E data management and reporting tool called YourDATA , which can be tailored to suite specific project or program needs (including using custom branding and logos). Access to dashboard reports of the online data means an collated overview of your M&E data is just a login away.

Ongoing expert advice and support is also provided to ensure the system is used to maximum effect over the life of the project or program.

Data analysis & reporting

Sometimes you may need help interpreting the data you’ve collected. Coutts J&R can help you with basic data analysis and charts right through writing a comprehensive professionally presented report. We are also able to present data online in a one page summary website.

Our aim is to work with you to ensure you have the right information from your data for reporting and decision making.

Communication Evaluation

Communication strategies are intrinsic to every organisation, project and program that has a message it wants to share, awareness its want to raise and attitudes it wants to change.

These need to be well planned to be effective which includes planning to evaluate. Coutts J&R can help you strategically link your communication reporting to organisational/program/project objectives to ensure the right data is collected and the right measures are in place to prove impact and effectiveness. You can’t just report on what happened any more, you have to be able to show what it means.

We can also work with you on your data gathering, analysis and reporting needs.